Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just Curious

Lance=white, me=green. Poor husband. He's so good to me. He wears what I want him to wear.

It's nice to know he'll draw the line some point.

I think it's time that blogger gets an app. That would be lovely and convenient.

How do I make that happen?


Unknown said...

There are a few apps you can get that will post to blogger for you, but aren't actually produced by blogger. Some are free, but I would spend a couple of dollars on one that would allow me to post pictures. Way more convenient. I have a free one that I just type my posts out on and then it will save to my drafts so when I am actually on a computer I just upload the pictures and post. Easy peasy.

Kristen said...

Kaylee, You are a lifesaver. I knew it was such a good idea that it had to already exist.

freya said...

this is so funny. i'm sure brett would respond the same way to a bow tie. ha. and i'm lovin' your new rings! how do i convince brett to get me a new wedding band?!

Anonymous said...


This is funny I asked Tommy the same thing. His response was a little bit more of a "heck no".

Mrs. Blimes said...

LOLOLOLOLOL Love this! Yall are too stinkin cute!

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