Friday, July 15, 2011

10 more facts about me

1) my fear of lightning is like unto a three year olds fear of lightning.

2) if i'm sitting in a chair 95% of the time, my legs will be folded underneath me. that other 5% of the time is either at church or if my legs can't fit in chair with me. or if it'd be seen as socially unacceptable. i know the boundaries.

3) i'd rather sit for an hour than stand for 20 minutes. know that excuse people say after being offered a seat? "oh i've been sitting all day, i'll just stand" will never come out of my mouth.

4) every time i am on an elevator i worry that it'll fall to the bottom and so i wont stand with my knees locked in case i need to brace for impact.

5) orion's paws smell like fritos and i probably give them a smell once a day.

6) i could eat a whole bag of fritos with no problem. or regrets.

7) i can develop a very impressive food baby. we're talking like 5 months along impressive.

8) when i was little i caught a tiny snake and kept it a few days until it bit me than i decided it was time to let it go.

9) i can't pronounce the word statistics.

10) i was once in a local commercial with my best friend from high school. did i mention that the store was only open for a few months? hopefully my acting skills, or lack of acting skills, had nothing to do with that. i was told by a few people that my commercial debuted before SNL. prime time television right there.


The Hargretts said...

I totally remember that commercial and I love that the other girl had your purse!

I loved learning new facts about you!!

Ladle Mama said...

I have a fear of tornados like you have a fear of lightening...

Unknown said...

When did Orion's paws start the Frito's thing? I wanna smell. Also, I want Frito's. The Bar B Que kind.

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