Sunday, July 3, 2011


I'm going to give a tour of the new house through pictures.
I plan on doing a lot of projects so I'll update as they get done.
Some day.
The living room from the dining room.
The living room from the hallway
Kitchen and dining room.
The hallway.
Dining room.
The kitchen. I have a pantry!! And too many a lot of cabinets.
Don't judge our food selection.
The guest room/Orion's room/craft room/guitar room. A work in progress.
Guest bathroom. Lance may or may not be in the tub holding the curtain up for me.
Master bedroom from the door way.
From the other corner of the room. Lance wanted to be a model.
Walk in closet.
I have too much room now.
Master Bath.
The patio.
The house from the backyard.

Bring on the "welcome to the hood" cookies.


freya said...

congrats! it looks amazing! no such thing as too much space! i can't wait to have a walk in closet someday!

and i love that he may or may not be holding up the curtain ha.

Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

You guys scored!!! It's adorable!

The Hargretts said...

Sweet set up!!! I loved your two models they were pure vogue. I can't wait to see your new addition crafty things =)

Em said...

So cute Kristen!

Annette said...

I believe not only was Lance the model/curtain holder upper but Orion was Vanna White in animal form. Was that a call for us to bring you hood cookies or are you going to make them? ;-)

Unknown said...

I looove the new place. That picture does not do your AMAZINGLY spacious closet justice btw.

Also, I love that Lance is "sleeping" in your bed. HA! Too funny.

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