Saturday, February 18, 2012

utah trip: part one

our utah trip=success.
i dont know about everyone else but i had such a good time. it was nice sleeping in every morning, just moseying around doing whatever we wanted, and NOT be at work. the original plan was for me to go snowboarding with the guys but thats a story for a different day. so instead i hung out and went shopping with lori, my amazing mother-in-law, while the guys hit the slopes.
we left florida at 6 in the morning so we were in utah by 10:30 their time. the boys wasted no time. we went straight to the hotel so they could change into skiing clothes and headed out.
we met up with lance's good friend drew on our way to park city.
this is on the second day and the guys went skiing at the canyons. pretty swanky place i'd say.
after lori and i spent a good amount of money time at the outlets we decided it was time to meet up with the boys. we found out that you could ride their gondola for free up to the actual resort area. that was like a roller coaster. it was high and fast. and cold!! so all the next few pictures were taken from the gondola ride.
see all the people in the middle pool?! crazy people!!

luckily this resort had fire pits to wait by unlike the day before.

The next series of pictures are from snowmobiling!! that was a lot of fun!
we got the snowmibile stuck pretty good at one point. luckily some nice people came by that had a tow rope and helped us get out.
i know this picture is hard to see but it was my snow angel! and it was such a perfect one too.
worlds biggest snowball that i tried throwing at lance while he was peeing.
and see that hill behind me? it doesn't look that bad but it was pretty much a vertical drop. going down was the scariest moment of my life.
i really do hate snow but i am always so tempted to run in untouched snow. there is just something about it.

i freaking love in-n-out burger so we def had to hit that up!
please in-n-out, make your way to florida.

up next, utah trip: part two.


The Hargretts said...

aAWESOME!! I miss snow so much. Yes, I will agree walking and/or running in untouched snow is one of the greatest things ever.

I'm so happy you had a great time. Can't wait for part II

freya said...

oh sounds like it was such a great trip! that's awesome you got to see drew and spend time shopping with lori! did you get up getting any downeast stuff?
i love that you tried to get him while he was peeing ha!

Unknown said...

In n Out looks sooo delicious! And there is snow! Snow!

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