Tuesday, January 25, 2011

She's one step closer to ruling the world

If you like Oprah, please don't read any farther than this line.
Why does Oprah need a whole channel to play her shows 24/7?
She took over an education channel. I liked watching surgeries and other weird gross shows that came on Discovery Health.
Now I haven't touched it in weeks.
Why couldn't she take the soap channel?!
Please tell me this Oprah-thon ends in a few days and my regular tv shows start back up.


The Hargretts said...

No way!! that's crazy... I can't believe that. I guess when you're a billionaire you can do that

Sarah said...

I liked watching the Duggars on Discovery Health. I was okay with it being her network when I thought she was keeping the shows and just adding her own to the list. I'm not so okay since she discarded a whole network of shows that were interesting!!

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