Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best week of my life.

Lance asked me a few nights ago when I was going to blog about our trip to Brazil. I hadn't given it a thought because it would be such a long post with all the stories and pictures. But I guess I'll finally write one so my poor husband can stop checking this blog every day.

The flight:
We had standby tickets so it was always a game of sit and wait until 20 minutes before the flight took off. But we obviously got seats. BUT we got our first class seats! Let me tell you, that is the way to go. The seat reclined back, we got a 4 course meal of fancy shmancy gross foods, hot towels to do something with (I'm still not exactly sure what we were supposed to do with those towels). They had a bunch of tv shows and movies we could watch. I started watching Easy A,
then turned it off, started watching The Social Network, then turned it off, turned on Charlie St Cloud and finished it. After that I slept until about an hour outside of Sao Paulo. When I looked out of the window and caught my first glimpse of the city I was completely amazed.
The Hotel:
It was tiny. But had internet, a cool view and a bidet. So it worked. Here's were the magic happened.

Things we saw:
Other than street dogs everywhere, the crazy driving compact cars, crowded buses, sketchy markets, shaking sickly womens hands, and visiting families,
we went to one of the biggest Cathedrals in South America

we went to the top of the tallest building in the city

Posting pictures in a blog makes me want to poke my eyes out with a rusty fork. So if you wanna see more, I have a whole album on facebook.
It was a fun experience. I got to try new food, meet new people, even learned a few new words. My favorite part was spending all my time with Lance. If we were in public, he was holding my hand. Unfortunately, he says it was for protection and hasn't been doing since we've got back... Guess the honeymoon's over. I had such a good time while we were there and I was so sad when it was time to go back to reality.

In other news, my friend was having a baby shower and I decided to get creative. My favorite was the whale.


Jennifer said...

I'm right there with you on first class seats and posting pics on the blog...rusty fork :)

Lindy said...

Your trip looks so amazing!
And, the whale was an excellent choice! So cute!

Anonymous said...

So glad you had such a great time! LOVE the onesies! Did you do them with the cricut? So very cute! You crafty woman, you! I knew you had it in you! :)

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