Wednesday, November 14, 2012

let's get something straight...

unless its asked for, i dont need your advice or opinions.
lately i feel like i've been the target of unwanted "advice". i'm pretty sure i'm not the first person to decide on a csection or that has had to go back to work.
the decision to have a baby, how we had our baby and how we take care of our baby was well thought and prayed about.
for now, what we are doing is best for our family. i appreciate your concern, but please do me a favor and save your breath. 


Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

AMEN! Glad you did this,

Hey Annon "friend" you suck!! Leave Kristen alone!!!

PSlove that onesie! Did you photoshop that or did you really get that as a gift, either way,it rocks!

Shells said...

lol awesome pic!

sara raquel said...

haha that onesie is hilarious. perfect.

Unknown said...

Oooo I love the onesie! Where did you get it? I soooo need it because I get the same unwanted type of advice ALL THE TIME!

Sarah said...

Word! I think people try and give advice without realizing that everyone else's situation is different from theirs. Obviously things like product advice or fun programs/groups can be shared among all moms but things like delivery, work, nursing/formula, cosleeping/crib, and every other parenting decision is a personal one!!

I think it's crazy someone took your "it kills me that i have to go back to work" comment as an open invitation to tell you what to do. I would be way more concerned if you had said "thank goodness I am going back to work because I can't stand being home with Liam anymore!" You are doing what is best for your doesn't mean you have to be thrilled at every aspect of it!

Anonymous said...

Okay...I am sorry. I really feel bad for hurting your feelings and not seeing that you really have thought about it. I guess I am the one who needs to read more carefully. I am just sensitive about it because I have seen so many kids with working moms not be very secure in their relationships with their parents. I saw the,"It kills me that I need to go back to work," and in my mind I thought, "Well the easy solution would be just to not go back to work. The regret is not worth it." But I can tell now that your heart really is at home which is what counts. Also I can tell that the time you will spend with your son will be quality time over quantity. I think quality time is more important than quantity. you absolutely love your little guy and I can see that. I need to stick my foot in my mouth and shut up! I have learned from this and understand that I just need to be supportive of others decisions and remind myself that those decisions were well planned out and thought about. Sorry again for the unsolicited advice.

Kristen said...

annon- thank you for apologizing! that comment really tore me up and i couldn't let go of it so i'm glad that you responded and i feel much better now.

everyone else- i just added text to an existing picture but that onesie does exist somewhere! i've seen them in etsy a few times.

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