Monday, May 18, 2009

I can hear :)

Two Saturday's ago, Lindy, Alyse and I threw together a bridal shower for our roommate Kendal who's getting married this Friday. She is crazy in love with Audrey Hepburn and Breakfast and Tiffany's so we made that the theme of the party. We had delicious breakfast foods and amazing decorations. After eating and chatting a bit, we opened presents and then we each made Chris and Kendal a scrapbook page. It turned out so cute. And even though it might have been my first bridal shower, it was the best. This picture isn't our center pieces but it looks just like it.After the bridal shower we decided to go swimming at our friends house while they were doing their bachelor party of "manly things" including breakfast, the movie Wolverine, and the shooting range". After a bit of us swimming the guys show up and come out with us. Well, boys will be boys and they start dunking us. After a good dunk or two I notice, what feels like a whole cup of water went into my ear. I have a problem with water going in my ears but it usually comes out sooner or later. FIVE days later (Thursday).... I finally go to the doctor. Wait forever. Get my ear pressure washed with some water pick thing and finally get to hear again. If you google how to get water out of your ear, you'll find silly suggestions but I tried them. Yes, I even tried blow drying my ear canal.

Tomorrow night is going to be Kendal's bachelorrette party and I'm pretty excited. We're going to dinner and coming back for "mixed" drinks and presents. It sure will be fun to see Kendal's expressions for some of them. Their wedding is on Friday in Orlando so I have that day off from work and have a four day weekend :)

Friday night Jesse, Lindy's brother came into town before he moved to New York for a summer job. We hit the rock gym and it sure hit back. I never knew how hard rock climbing was. We were just buldering but it was amazing watching some of the pros doing it in there. After a few good tries of climbing but mostly messing around we went out to dinner at the super chinese buffet. This is the buffet of all buffets. It has seven, yes, seven rows of food, not including the sushi table. When we walked in the hostess in broken english asks us how many and we say six people. She starts to point us towards two tables and I let her know that we'd like to all sit together. She thinks for a moment and in some language asks if we want to sit at the japanese tables. Who knew they had japanese tables in the chinese buffet. We walk in the very back and go into a private section of the restaurant to find the tightest tables. I'm pretty sure they're there for executive chinese buffet meetings because we got two waitors and floor cushions.

Oh Super China Buffet. You have yet to let me down.


Annette said...

I'm glad you can hear... now stop saying... what??? I didn't know about the buffet.... it appears you might have your fathers knack of getting upgrades! Nice job. Glad you had a good time.

Unknown said...

Way to be! Those decorations were adorable and about the chinese buffet...ahhh...haven't had chinese in forever and when I do it consists of Panda Express. Haven't found a good one around here.

Lindy said...

I haven't told you yet, 'cause I don't want to seem like a baby, but my ribs still hurt from that rock climbing. :/ It was worth it.
Darn right that bridal shower was the best.
Super China Buffet is proof that Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be happy. Kareoke room here we come!

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