Thursday, May 5, 2011

Textual Healing

I have noticed that most bloggies have their own flair.
(I hope I used that word in the right sense)

The daybook has awkward and awesome thursdays,

Peace love lauren has her link up lovebook,

Marquesas has mail calls.

I had an idea. Lance is a funny guy. Even the funniest guy I know.

And we text. So sometimes I get funny texts.

My flair will be the funny(to me at least) texts that Lance sends.

Today's textual healing:

Background- I was at Lindy's house putting together baby shower invites when Lance decides he's lonely at home and acts like he "accidently" mistexted a text to me that was "meant" for his friend to get me home quicker.

So... is this a go? What do you think?


Annette said...

Ha! You two are too funny! Be happy he misses you when you are gone. Way to many men think "Ya she is gone... hallelujah I don't have to be with her for a while!

Sarah said...

Love it! So will this be a weekly segment or an at random treasure?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

A must! LOVE it!

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