Monday, July 11, 2011

you dont always get whatcha wanted...

we've all seen this picture floatin' around pinterest a time or two.
chevron is so hot right now
and the idea looked so easy in my head.
get a canvas, use a little tape, spray paint that baby and you're good to go.
here's my attempt.
um yeah, maybe it's not so easy.
(unless you're freya, whom i'm sure would have mastered this)
i'm open to all suggestions of how to fix this.
maybe i'll just shove it in a closet and act like it never happened.

So now i think i'm going to give this a go.
i mean, where can you go wrong?
i would really like to have this above our bed,
but i haven't been able to find an "&" anywhere.
not michael's and not hobby lobby.
so if you're out and about and happen see one, hit me up.


Em said...

I LOVE the Mr & Mrs idea...just might have to copy that one. I found a great web site for wooden letters and symbols- you get to pick the font and the size you want the letters...its

Unknown said...

Okay two tips. One, spray paint the entire chevron thing blue, then go back later and carefully measure out the tape and then pray paint it white, then go back over it with a second coat of white or even yellow. Two, ampersands are so hard to find... my tip, steal it from a neighborhood street sign. Act now, ask for forgiveness later ) jk jk kind of!

Unknown said...

okay I just saw who I wrote "pray" paint. I meant spray paint, but maybe a litter prayer behind the paint will help :)

The ArgentineHudson said...

I say you get another box top and try again and again until you get it "right"...if you run out of box tops you are just going to have to start buying shoes.

Unknown said...

Okay, so first of all, I saw an ampersand at hobby lobby when I went this weekend. Gold and chunky and perfect. By the baskets. Towards the back. The only thing that stopped me was the $10.00 price tag. But with a %40 off coupon, its not so bad.

About the uneven chevron...That sucks. Maybe more pencil lines and measuring? My worst nightmare...

freya said...

girl mine would have looked just like yours! i bet it takes some practice. and she had fewer zig zags on hers so that's less opportunity to be crooked. keep at it!

i want an ampersand too!

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