Thursday, June 28, 2012

baby projects

i really have to give it up to my mom for all of her hard work on baby's quilt! she came up with the measurements we needed, went store to store to find the perfect fabric, cut all the squares out and sewed them all together! thanks mom!! we mailed it off to get finished by a pro. she's going to do waves for the stitching and i can't wait to see how it turns out! we should get it back in about a month. here's how it looked before we sent it out.

my favorite detail on this quilt is the fuzzy whale material and cute water spouts!

i found this dresser on craigslist for $30! it's perfect height to slap a changing pad on top and call it a changing table/dresser. since our crib is a lighter wood color and would drive me crazy that they don't match, i plan on painting this dresser navy and putting new green drawer pulls on. i can't wait to start on this project! hopefully this weekend i'll get it started so expect results sometime after the 4th. i am so anxious to get little man's clothes all organized and tucked away!

luckily the week i was looking for drawer pulls, hobby lobby had a sale 50% off so these babies came home with me!

alyse made this cute little piggy bank for our little man! the first thought i had when we found out we were having a boy was "oh crap, we have to pay for a mission one day!" this will be the perfect little helper.
i'd like to get a shelf hung up to display cute things like this on top!

here's my belly at 26 weeks! he sure like to hang low!


Annette said...

Agreed I can't wait to see the quilt either. Remember you actually did the hard part.... you put the squares where they needed to be. Oh my that was a time waster. The dresser will be cute.. And hey the 4th is coming up so shelves should go on sale somewhere!

The Hargretts said...

That quilt is sooo awesome! Great job Sister Ladle! I love the wale theme too. Good find on that dresser, every once in awhile those great deals on craigslist come around.

Tanya said...

I loooove that quilt! I wanna do something like that, but I'm so not good at sewing. And you totally don't have to pay for his mission, Jesse's parents told him if he wanted to go on a mission, he had to pay for it. So he says we are gonna do the same thing. Haha

freya said...

what a cute quilt! i'm so excited to see the finished product of that and the dresser!

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