Thursday, June 14, 2012

the dreaded glucose test

it came, it went and hopefully i passed.
its just as awful as everyone says. what no one told me was that i only had five minutes to drink it. when they said to chug it, I thought it was to get it over with not to finish in time! jessica hudson and i met each other there so we could do it together. i ended up with the orange flavor and she had fruit punch. i'm so glad i didn't get fruit punch cause i hate fruit punch flavoring. i've heard the orange flavor described as a melted popsicle or orange soda with no carbonation but i think it tasted like really thick sunny d. after the first little bit it started to burn my throat. and i couldn't have water or gum or mints after i finished and i could just tell my breath was awful. i felt bad for jessica having to talk to me.
after the hour wait we were called back and got our blood drawn. the nurse told me to hurry and eat something as i had just drank liquid sugar. the baby sure loved it though! he was kicking and bouncing around like i've never felt before. even that night he was still moving around like crazy. there were a few times during the night where we could see him poking out on one side. i love when he does that cause then i can feel his little body! i love it now but i might be changing my mind when he's 5 or 6 pounds heavier!!!

this picture was actually taken the other night, but this is my view when he decides to hang out on one side.

right before the glucose test i had a doctors appointment which was just to measure my stomach and listen to the heart beat. every went well and we scheduled our last monthly appointment!!! the next time we'll be in there i'll be 30 weeks and we'll start going every two weeks! how did we already get to this point?!


Brittany said...

WOW! It has gone by fast! Take it easy mama and enjoy those movements! I miss that feeling for sure!

sara raquel said...

omg i didn't know the baby could get all hype like that!! he will be here before you know it

Unknown said...

Does it ever strike you as crazy that there is a little tiny human moving around in there?? It's nuts!! haha

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