Wednesday, October 17, 2012

csection recovery and updates

pain management:
i am just amazed every day at how good i felt considering i had major abdominal surgery.
friday afternoon i was on the operating table being cut open and tuesday morning i took my last pain pill.
the whole time i was in the hospital, my pain level was over a 5 only once. the morning after the csection they removed the catheter and i was able to shower. those first steps getting to the bathroom were pretty hard. standing in the shower was even harder! once i was up and moving around, the more i moved the easier it was but i must have walked around hunched over because my back was pretty stiff by the time i got home. the nurses encouraged me to take a lap around the floor at least twice a day. to be honest, walking while having the heaviest period of my life was more annoying than the pain of walking. the worst pain i had was when i tried getting up from a laying position or if i leaned forward a certain way, it would feel like my insides were splitting open. that finally went away about a week and a half to two weeks later. 
now that i'm almost 4 weeks post surgery i feel great! i am completely numb around the incision and semi numb up to a few inches above the site. the dermabond glue is starting to peel off and the incision is still holding together so i guess that's good. i was never told when i could take a bath again and i'm dyin' for one!! i took so many at the end of my pregnancy that i'm going through withdrawals!
within the first week and a half, i got on the scale and found out i lost 45 pounds! that was a pretty awesome feeling but since then i've been pretty much at the same place. i made the mistake of trying to put my pre-pregnancy jeans on. it looks like i'll be sporting the maternity jeans for a bit longer.
breast feeding:
this almost deserves it's own post! it's been quite the experience. we were in the recovery room about 10 minutes before i gave my first shot at breast feeding. it was a cinch with the nurses help but once the night came and i was by myself came the true test! they say with csections it usually takes a few more days for milk to come in but by 24 hours after surgery i was so engorged i was in pain! they hurt when they were bumped, when i was in the shower, just sitting there hurt! even the lactation nurses was worried for me. they brought in a pump for me to use which provided some relief. by the time we left the hospital i had 6 bottles full of milk to take home. luckily they've regulated and supply what liam needs plus a little bit more which has started to fill up our freezer. i am still tender when he latches on. i never thought the pain from being engorged would go away and it did so i'm hoping this will end soon.

now that all is said and done, i'm definitely a csection advocate! there is no way i could have delivered a 10 1/2 pound baby with a 15 1/2 cm head safely! i dont think i'll even try for a vbac for our next kid, it's been such a dream recovery! 


Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

amen amen amen to all of this! And holy cow weight loss mama! I've lost about 25ish already and daaaang my belly is odd looking. I can't wait to hit the gym.

Little Liam is so cuuuute!!

And yaaa being engorged is the worst feeling on the face of the earth. Use a nice warm cloth to help to at least take the edge off and get the let down feeling happen before you pump. Pumping is the best. I'm a huge believer. But isn't BF so worth it?? It is the best. I love that time Ellie and I have. Even though it feels like the ONLY time I see her is when I'm feeding her :-)

Sarah said...

Liam is such a cutie! I can't wait to meet him!

So glad breastfeeding is going well and that your supply has regulated! Waiting for that seems like a never ending adventure but once your body has it figured out it's awesome!

The Hargretts said...

I'm so happy how fast recovery has been for you. I have one friend who had a c-section with her first and she was in pain for weeks and then when she was okayed to start exercising and such she said it was really painful. BUT I'm happy to hear that's not for everyone. I think you just have an awesome body that was ready to heal quick!

freya said...

you are a beast that's all there is to it. i think you're super mom.

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