Sunday, October 21, 2012

liam is one month!

liam is one month today! it's so crazy how fast time has gone by. you know how some people say "i can't remember a time without the baby"? i don't feel that way. there was a time when i used to sleep through the whole night. there was a time when i could leave the house without having to worry about needing to feed someone in the next 2-3 hours. there was a time when lance and i cuddled going to sleep instead of rocking a baby to sleep. BUT i wouldn't change a thing!

liam has changed so much in just one month.
he moved out of newborn clothes and 0-3 month clothes and now wears 3 months clothes.
he's pushing the limits in size 1 diapers.
he is 14 pounds and 24 inches.
he is able to make eye contact now.
he poops often and farts like a grown man.
he has declared 5, 9 and 11 pm as his fussy times.
he grunts all. the. time.

i created a "liam month to month" link at the top of the blog! yes, i'm that mom!


Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

He is so big!! (I'm sure you hear that all the time!)

But seriously, 14 pounds!? Go mama!

The later afternoon/early evening in my family are called the witching hours. For whatever reason, babies are the most fussy...for not reason. I'd like to say babies grow out of it, but Brinley seems to hit her lowest points of the day during that time....still!!

Tanya said...

Just adorable!!!!

freya said...

hey man nothing wrong with being that mom! i'm all for it! can't wait to watch as the months go! and ditto, 14 lbs?!

Annette said...

Wow he has sure grown. Wait until next month.. he grew in a matter of days! Still a cutie!

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