Tuesday, May 21, 2013

liam is 8 months!

this boy is go, go, go!!! he just cannot stay still! he has to either be climbing something or crawling. sitting still is not an option anymore! i am amazed at how well he can communicate with us without using words. the newest and cutest thing he learned last month is waving. it doesn't look like a wave at all, it's a mix between slapping his knee and heiling hitler. we can ask him where people/things are and he'll look for them. he can look for dada, momma, papa(perry), and the doggies at lori's house. he loves getting table scraps while lance and i eat. his favorite from this month was hot dog bits and avocados. he is starting to look like he's thinning out. he's still real big for his age, but he's not looking as chunky as he has.
*this is his last month picture in the house we're renting. starting next month, he'll be in his new room!

new things last month:
started making the silliest faces
started cutting his first top tooth and fourth bottom tooth
went on his first road trip
learned how to pull up on things
can go from crawling to sitting with no problem
slept solidly through the night for a few nights in a row
loves turning light switches on and off
still wears size three diapers 9 month clothes

i am so amazed at his hair growth! look at the difference a few months make!

Snapshots from this month:
first pair of jean overalls

munchin and readin

meeting little amelia

first tank!

fresh strawberries are pretty tart

mother's day!

ridin daisy

so many different faces

first road trip


The Hargretts said...

For sure within five months he grew so much hair! I can't wait to see his (kinda sorta) wave. It will make my Sunday that much better when I see him.

Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

I can't believe he has all those teeth!!!!! Has he been cranky? My girls are just late bloomers I guess with teeth! He does look like he's thinning out a bit and losing some of those cute baby chub rolls. Maybe getting taller? 8 months. 8 months!! How are we here already?

Eloquent Obi said...

Too cute! Love your blog design too! Yea for 8 months! Such a sweet boy and I know a forever grateful blessing! --Obi

Tanya said...

He has the best hair! How can he be 8 months already? This whole growing up thing seems unreal.

sara raquel said...

wow, it's crazy how much he has changed! his features, his height/length, but still as cute as always. He can't even lay on the frog stuffed animal anymore!

P.S.- i started blogging again but my new post didn't move to the top of your blog feed...soo nobody will know haha. do you know why?

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