Friday, May 31, 2013

5 years later

it's so hard to believe that it has been 5 years since i graduated high school! time has gone by so quick, yet i feel like i've done a million things in those 5 years.
i'm very proud of how far i've come in the last 5 years. moved away from home for a year, married my love, had a baby, about to close on our first home. pretty nuts. i've gone to a few events like baby showers or a funeral for a classmate that had a lot of people from my high school class at and i just feel out of place. like i'm 10 steps ahead of most of them.  for the most part everyone is doing the same old stuff and i just feel like i'm in a completely different world. their lives are filled with days of school work and partying and my days are filled with working and family time. and i wouldn't change a thing about that. 
i wish i would have focused more on myself and a just a few of my friends instead of wasting my time of people who will end up not mattering to me in the long run.

i love comparing these pictures and seeing the differences between 2007 and 2001.

the two girls that mean the most from high school:
erin: if you dont know her, you're missing out. she is the most kind and caring person i have ever met. i've known her for as long as i can remember. if you remember my random fact about being the dixie chicks(sometimes it'd be the spice girls) and marrying the backstreet boys, this was my partner in crime. i have always looked to erin as my example in how to be Christ-like. example:in this picture you wouldn't know that erin was a genius and has multiple cords and pins and awards for her gpa and over all awesomeness. she took everything off for the picture with me because she noticed that i didn't have anything other than my plain old gown on. even though i was proud of her accomplishments and begged her to show them off, she didn't want to put the spot light on her or take away from me. thats how caring and considerate she is. i'll never forget that.
cassidy: my partner in crime! we did everything together! we lived in the same neighborhood since middle school and would just about every day hang out at each others house. one christmas we asked for walkie talkies so we could talk all we wanted without having to use the phone(oh the days without call waiting and dial up!). when we wanted to hang out we'd meet up half way. recently cassidy moved into the neighborhood i live now and when we were fat and pregnant together we'd meet up halfway to walk those babies out (rylee was born just a week after liam). cassidy was a great friend growing up and continues to be awesome to this day.

i hope that in the next five years i will be just as happy, if not more, with how my life has turned out in these past 5 years.


Eloquent Obi said...

what a sweet post! you have done a lot in 5 years! Proud of you! I blog too and my blog is: Looking forward to the next post and you have not aged one bit! --Obi

Lauren said...

Time flies! If you graduated in 2007, wouldnt it be 6 years? I was just thinking it was 5 years for me (i graduated chiles in 2008) Maybe I'm wrong lol Either way you have done so much and you should be proud of yourself!! :) Liam is such a cutie!! Miss you girlie!

The Hargretts said...

I totally understand about feeling 10 steps ahead of people around our age but you know what, at least we have our priorities in line with what the Lord truly wants. Not technically saying they don't but with the wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost we have been directed on the right path for our individual lives. I don't know Erin TOO well but I have talked with her before and she is really kind and fun. That's so fun that Cassidy lives in the same neighborhood! What are the odds that happened again?!

Kristen said...

holy cow, you're right Lauren! it is 6 years! that's even crazier!

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