Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My first whopper.

My friend Lance is in my math class and we've started a habit, probably a very unhealthy habit, of trying to be better than the other. I may do the occasional homework and he never does. One time he didn't come to class and we just so happened to learn stuff that was gonna be pretty important for test number 2 and the rest of the class. I got pretty excited because I would now have the advantage and do better than Lance. Last tuesday we took test number 2 and both felt pretty confident about how we did. So we made a bet that whoever gets the lower score buys dinner. And somewhere along the way the winner picked out what the less of the winner ordered. Lance found out awhile ago that I've never had a Big Mac or a Whopper before. So his choice was Burger King and mine was Tropical Smoothie.

During the whole class period we were both talking junk about who did better. When Timmy(our teachers name is Timothy Butler but we call him Timmy(behind his back of course)) passed out the tests I got mine before Lance. So I walk out of the class and see that I got a 96. While Lance is waiting for his test I texted him telling that he's going down. When Lance got his test and were walking to our cars we tried figuring out a way to tell what we got. Just showing the grade wasn't good enough. After some more big talk from me Lance just starts asking questions. He asked if I got above a 90. I say yes. He asked if I got below a 100. I say yes. And he says well I hope your excited to eat your first Whopper because I got a 102. I don't know how but he continues it be better than me.

So we go to Burger King and he orders for us. A king size whopper meal. It's HUGE! So I start eating and when I'm about half way done and ready to die I look up to see that Lance has finished not only his large fries and his whopper, but he was starting to finish off my fries. Lance tells me that I can only say I've eaten a whopper if I finish it. So 1460 caleries later, I give the whopper a thumbs up but I'll stick with my chicken fries.

Another cute story. While chowing down, there was an old couple there eating. The guy, who after a few minutes of observing, obviously had some memory loss problems started telling the lady with him that he was excited to play with his toy. He had a kids meal bag in front of him and after all his food was gone, he started pulling at the plastic to get the watch out. It was the cutest thing. And when they got up to leave they went to the counter and yelled back "tell the cooks the burgers were excellant tonight". I hope I'm cute when I'm old.


Unknown said...

You are so cute! lol you and your smack talking. what the? I hate when no matter what you do someone beats you like that. and I bet he's one of those people who don't study and gets the 102% and can I just say...i'm starving and that whopper looks delish! not worth the calorie count i don't think but I haven't had one in ages!!

Annette said...

WHAT THE HECK?????? AND you know what I mean!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm with your mom! You know what I mean too!!!

Nah, 96 is pretty dang good! When I go back to school, will you tutor me? I'll need it, especially in math! Way to go!

Lindy said...

I don't think I've ever had a regular Whopper, now that I think about it. I guess I'm more of a Whopper Jr. type. I'm proud of you though :)

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