Monday, March 28, 2011

Mail Call

I always love Marquesas’ mail calls and have always wanted to attempt to do one. So here is goes…

Dear Lance: I love that you check my blog every once in a while, but sometimes I wish I could post pictures and stories about you playing video games with your friend and calling me your little house wife when I placed cookies and milk on the table without you getting upset.

Dear scale: Please stop creeping up higher and higher. It depresses me when the contestants on Biggest Loser lose their weight and they aren’t very far away from my current weight.

Dear Orion: We don’t mind when you sleep on the bed, but we do mind when you jump off to lay on the couch and then decide you want back on the bed. No, we don’t want to play your game of back away when we bend down to get you.

Dear Landlord: We’ve told you about the leak and stain on the ceiling and you continue to tell us to “keep watching it”. It’s not our fault if you have to replace the whole roof when it molds or caves in due to your lack of action.

Dear Primary class: Thank you so much for being good yesterday! I really didn’t feel like catching your paper airplanes or rearranging the seating order so you wouldn’t choke the person next to you or tell you to stop climbing the walls.

Dear pregnant ladies or ladies with recent new babes: You’re giving me baby fever and it just isn’t time yet. Please stop making your bellies and babies look so darn cute.

Dear General Conference weekend: You are always so relaxing and uplifting. You couldn’t come at a better time!


Tanya said...

Girl, I know what you mean about all the cute pregnant ladies and the baby fever!! It's driving me crazy!!! haha

Mrs. Blimes said...

LOL LOVE this! Ok, first of all forget that scale cuz as I said yesterday, you look HOT. Also, our doggie does the SAME thing! She whines til we try to pick her up onto the bed and then runs away. What the heck Mable?

And to lance, boy let this woman post what her little house wifey heart wants! It will only make the rest of us love you two more!

And I agree, there is NO better time for conference than this weekend. Thank goodness.

Fun fun fun mail call!

The Hargretts said...

I loved your first mail call too!! I will echo you and Tanya... pregnant ladies in our ward are so darn cute and the baby fever is in the air for us childless ladies. haha. Also, you do look amazing! I loved your skirt yesterday, one hot mama!

Ladle Mama said...

This is AWESOME! I didn't even know you taught Primary! What age do you teach? I'm always grateful when our kids are good...I'm just like, "Thank you Lord for my Primary children being semi-normal today." :)

Kristen said...

Thank you ladies! That makes me feel good!

Britt- I teach the 6 and 7 year olds. What class do you teach? Do you and Robby teach together? I make Lance sit in there with me some Sundays to keep me sane. And so only half the kids attack me while the rest attack him :)

Lindy said...

I love your first mail call!!! Orion is such a funny puppy (I guess he's a big boy now..but he'll always be a puppy to me).
Also, you are hot.
Baby fever is going around these days :)

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