Wednesday, April 20, 2011

DIY Paint Chip Easter Garland

I love to make crafts but no one ever comes to my house so they would never be seen.

But I came across this cute idea and thought you bloggies might like it.

It's so cute and would be so easy.

Click here if this picture intrigues you.


Annette said...

LOVE IT! I come to your house... you should tell me when to come.

Ladle Mama said...

Stinkin' cute idea! Did you make one?

Kristen said...

No... Maybe if I had found this a few days ago. I would feel like I did it for nothing if it was only hung up for 3 days. Maybe next year though!

freya said...

i love that! so cute, easy, and free! ha

The Hargretts said...

That is super cute!! I wish we had a fireplace!

Anonymous said...

Dang cute! I would come if invited! Don't like showing up at newlyweds homes unannounced! ;)

Lindy said...

This is so cute, and cheap! Hello! Sign me up for next year.

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