Tuesday, August 2, 2011

shot through the heart

the hubs and i sometimes leave love notes on the front door from time to time.

it's fun to find one stuck up there.

but what's more fun is finding a hidden one.

on my way to work, i always put on my eyeliner and powder in the car.

i put my purse in my lap to dig these items out.

i grab the empty water bottle that i assume was left in there from the day before.

i put that on the passenger side seat.

finished my make up.

got to work.

picked up the water bottle to throw it in the recycling.

{i am the un-greenest person you'll know, so be proud i was going to recycle}

thats when i notice a piece of paper rolled up.

how romantic right?

you see, we recently got into lost.

and when we get into a show we try to reference it whenever we can.

it's hard to explain but for example, we'll use the term "the others" a bit much.

in the last few episodes they started making a message in a bottle.

hence, the message in a bottle.

it had lots of mushy gushy stuff in there too.

i love him.

4 days until we're over the year mark.

where did the time go?

on the back of note.

i'd say that's an impressive heart for a boy.


The Hargretts said...

I love that you guys give each other secret notes!! That Lance is one charmer with his message in a bottle. =)

The ArgentineHudson said...

Aw, seriously cute.

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