Monday, September 12, 2011

a glimpse into my problem

i used to only have one alarm set.

then one turned to two alarms.

then two turned into three alarms.

now three sometimes turns in four alarms.

how do you get yourself out of bed without snoozing so many times?

or is this how your morning looks too?


Unknown said...

hahaha! And yes. This is how my morning looks too.

I used to kid myself that the first alarm was when I would wake up to work out. HA!

Maegan Oliverson said...

I have a screaming baby to wake me up. Problem alarms needed.

Hey, you should get one of those too! They're pretty great. :)

The Hargretts said...

It's called being married!! Seriously before I married Chris I NEVER used the snooze button I was always able to get up on the first alarm.

It's just so freakin' warm and cozy laying next to your loved one that it's so hard to get out of bed. I have the same problem so don't worry.

freya said...

yep that sums up my morning too! i'm dreading winter when it's even harder to get out of bed since it's so cold!

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