Thursday, September 15, 2011

getting lost in Lost

we started watching lost on netflix and since then i have learned a few things about the show.
1) thank goodness it's on netflix, cause some of those episodes end in cliff hangers and you just have to watch the next one to see what happens.

2) those said cliff hanger episodes that we just can't wait to see what happens, never gets answered in the next episode.

3) they don't answer a lot of the weird things that happen on the show until you've almost forgot what happened to make you question.

4) jack is a whiny baby.

5) kate only wants what she can't have.

6) trying to read spoilers while you're only in season 4, only makes you more confused.


Julia said...

Hey there! I am good friends with Meagan and I clicked over here from her blog roll. I couldn't NOT tell you that my husband, Chris, and I are making our way through LOST on instant play as well!! We are LOVINNGGG it and I am so glad that we didn't watch it while it was still airing, because those cliff hangers are the worst. We always just look at each other with big eyes and click to the next episode. hahaha.

Unknown said...

hahahaa! So, the only experience I have with Lost is what I saw in my 11th grade biology class. (we watched the whole first season in there. Let's just say, there are a few gaps in my scientific education.) I was sooo addicted. But we never had cable, so I left it at that. I tried to look up a plot synopsis and figure out what ever happened to my stalwart plane crash survivors...yea. Didn't really pan out for me. Maybe I'll give it another shot...

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