Wednesday, June 5, 2013

6/30: the hardest thing

6/30: the hardest thing i've experienced
look here to see what this is about.

i thought these questions were going to be easy peasy until i got to this one. i really had to think. i'm still thinking. i've been so blessed in my life that the hardest trial i've experienced was a toss up between living in rexburg during the coldest winter they've experienced(we're talking about walking to class in -19 degree weather) or being patient with lance while we were dating for 3ish years (i was ready for marriage WAY before him). another hard thing has been watching others go through their trials. i know i'm not experiencing those hardships but sometimes it's just as hard to see someone you love go through things like infertility, depression or loss of a loved one. i sure am grateful that it took me so long to think about what my answer was to this. i am truly blessed.

up next: #7-what is your dream job and why.


Eloquent Obi said...

you are blessed and i wish you and your sweet family continued blessings! sometimes we just have to remember the blessings we have and realize that life is not that bad.

Unknown said...

Count those blessings! :)

I can't imagine living in -19 degree weather. I think it would kill me. And you definitely paid your dues with waiting on Lance!

The Hargretts said...

yeah I would consider the waiting on Lance one a trail... that took awhile. haha! But for real, it's wonderful that you recognize the blessings in your life. I bet there were times that were hard in your life and others would see it as a trial but you pulled through and saw the blessings. To me that is noble and righteous! That's something not too many people can do; including myself.

Thank goodness you're not longer waiting on Lance though and I'm so happy you didn't stay in Rexburg!! Such a lame place.

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