Monday, January 12, 2009

I finally gave in...

So... everyone eventually does it. They give in and start blogging. Even when they promise their momthey would never do such a thing. I don't ever want to feel like I'm blabbling on. I hate blogs that do that but now that I have a job where I have plenty of free time to think about things to say, I'll start.

In December I started a new job. It's the same place as my old one, just with a new Bureau and a lot more pay. I'm an "administrative assistant" or basically a secritary. I got the job through Becky Rosier and it's been great. Aside from running out of work by noon everyday, I like it. It gives me a nice chance to catch up on the news or do homework.

I started classes again last week. It's totally different going from a private church school to a community college. I was a little thrown off when the teacher didn't start the class with a prayer. And heaven forbid a kid was wearing backetball shorts and flip flops to class.... not pants and close toed shoes. If only I wasn't going to class straight from work, I'd take the opertunity to dress down for class just because I could. But anyways, I'm taking just one class this semester. It's college algebra so with working full time and taking the most dropped class in college, so I figured that one class was enough.

So during one boring day at work I decided to check out air fair to SLC and it ended up that it's pretty cheap. I'd love to go out to Utah and back up to Reburg and visit but I'm not certain it's gonna happen still. This morning it was 20 degrees and not nearly as cold as it gets in Rexburg so it made me a little aprehensive to buying a plane ticket.

But anyways, there's my little update. I hope I didn't ramble on too much.


Annette said...

Whohooo... think of it as keeping a journal... Glad to have you on board!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm adding you to my blog list right now! I'm glad you have a blog so I can know what's happening with my favorite niece named Kristen! Love ya!

Unknown said...

Yay!! You started one too!!! You should totally come back and visit! That would be awesome! Glad to hear everything is going well with you. If you wanna check out my blog it's Love you!

Annette said...

So I was reading your about me section and I'm pretty sure you dress way to nice to get on What not to wear. Good luck with that though.

pop said...

Kristen: glad to see your blog--found it thru Kathy's. I keep up with your mom and Alyse thru their blogs, now we can keep up with you too. I was hoping that one or both of your folks would come with you when you came back to school this year so we could see all of you. I was VERY disappointed when Kathy said you weren't coming back--too cold. Anyway, glad you now have a blog. We miss you and your family.
Love, Marcia Newell

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