Tuesday, January 8, 2013

liam tries rice cereal!

the best part about being a parent is you get to make your own decisions regarding your own kids. my decision was to start liam on rice cereal as soon as i could. i dont see any reason to prolong this step in life as long as i can. it's my decision and no one gets to question me unless youre the doctor.
with that being said, liam tried cereal last night! more ended up on his bib than in his mouth i think but i'll try again tonight and hopefully we'll have improvement. he didn't seem to hate it the taste or texture, just couldn't get the tongue motion down.


The ArgentineHudson said...

Thats right you made that baby you make ALL the choices! and everyone else can choke on their advice haha too harsh?

The look on his face is priceless and he didnt cry right? so thats seems like a promising sign? no? Im just guessing here :)hopefully we will be jumping on the band wagon this weekend :)

The Hargretts said...

Love the concerned look on his face! Classic.

Unknown said...

Haha! I love that little confused face. I'm sure he'll catch on super quickly. So far all he's had to do is suck that milk down, so I bet its hard to learn the whole mouth thing.

And you totally get to make the choices! I have no clue why so many people feel like they get to critique your decisions, but whatevs. Haters gonna hate.

Unknown said...

I bet he will catch on real soon. It probably just feels and tastes so different.
And Jessica I think you are right on with what you said about everyone's advice.
I think it is so sad you can't enjoy sharing events about your own baby without getting unasked for advice and negative comments. That you have to preface your blogs about how You and only You get to make the decisions. In the long run no one is going to care to remember whether you had him natural vs c-section, how long you breast fed him, whether you went back to work (with excellent childcare, ha) or how early he crawled, walked, or talked. Things so many have an opinion on. What people will remember and care about is if Liam is a happy, healthy and well adjusted child who has parents who love him and think carefully and long about every decision they make about him. You are an excellent mother Kristen and don't ever let anyone make you question any choice you make.

freya said...

You go girl!! That cute little solids eater!!
Do you remember that old show Dinosaurs? Makes me think of that line they always said, "Not the mama!"

Kristen said...

Ladies and gentlemen, please be jealous of my mother-in-law! Isn't she just the best?!

sara raquel said...

Haha yes she is and she is totally right! I can't wait to see the little squirt, he has probably grown so much since before Christmas!!

Sarah said...

He is such a cutie!! I think he is almost as big as Savannah! My kids always took a while to get the hang of rice cereal and not forcing their tongue out! They actually did better with oatmeal-I think maybe cause it's a little thicker? Not sure what the guidelines are for when babies should have that though...I just always gave it to them when they seemed interested. I got so much "advice" because Savannah didn't really like baby food and ate table food starting at 8 months! She turned out to be my best eater! And I agree your mother-in-law is awesome!

Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

Go girl! And I totally agree with Lori.

We did oatmeal with Brinley because it helped with her poops. There isn't fiber in th rice I'm pretty sure. You'll definitely see a change in poops just adding the rice cereal (if he swallowed any that is!). Babies are so cute trying new things. We started Brinley on cereal right at 4 months and she has always been such an amazing eater with very few food aversions!

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